The Marathon Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Club (MCCSSC) is an independent and non-profit organization which operates solely on volunteer power. Since 2016 the MCCSSC has had three (3) family generations on our executive at some point since our establishment in 1985. In the late 1980’s, George Sanderson officially joined the MCCSSC as a volunteer. When asked about his history with the MCCSSC, George said that “The club was super active hosting regional races a few times a year and had produced a few great skiers like Dudley Coultar.” George had also mentioned the past activities that had taken place at the club such as the full moon skis with a bonfire and treats that followed for the participants. George became a member of the MCCSSC executive and began learning the art of trail grooming by riding with past trail groomer Mitch Johnson for two seasons. As Mitch also did the trail lights on the green trail, George began to get involved in the installation and maintenance of the lighting system as well. “I remember Paula Verin and I fixing lights on the tailgate of my truck” said George. Since George has been involved with the MCCSSC the club has welcomed snowshoeing and has some great trails maintained by volunteers. Learning from Mitch, George had spearheaded the installation of all trail lights around the MCCSSC blue trail and continues to maintain our trail lighting system.
George’s daughter, Paula Verin, was a young adult when her father joined the MCCSSC which is how she started being involved with the club. “Growing up my family didn't have a skidoo” said Paula, “we always cross country skied into lakes to ice fish or to get our Christmas tree, until we found this great club!” Paula had joined the MCCSSC in 2005 as a member at large and since has enjoyed helping with trail clearing, trail lighting maintenance with her dad George. Paula has been an official member of the MCCSSC executive for approx. 5 years as the chalet manager as well as helping our trail crews keep our snowshoe trails clear with her husband, Ricco. “Skiing is not only great exercise for the body, it's also good for the soul.” said Paula, “The trails are incredibly beautiful, and once you are in the bush you are protected from the winds. It's such a beautiful sight day or evening!” Paula shares her love of skiing with both of her kids as she enrolled them in the MCCSSC annual Jackrabbit program which teaches children of all ages about the wonders of cross country skiing. Paula continues to share her love of skiing with her grandson Miles who is soon to be on skis!
Paula’s daughter, Allison Allen, first started with the MCCSSC as a student in 2007 by working at the chalet until leaving Marathon in 2012. In 2016, Allison had attended the MCCSSC annual general meeting with Paula and George and was voted to become the secretary and has held this role of the executive ever since. The love of skiing and the MCCSSC continues to grow through her son, Miles, as he keeps his great grandpa George company during light maintenance and helps to carry the tools to and from the shed in his toboggan. I look forward to getting Miles on the ski trails when he is a bit older and coordinated. Prior to COVID-19, Allison shared her love of the MCCSSC with her dog Bailey who would come to the old chalet on her weeknight volunteer shifts to keep her company! Allison still has her collection of MCCSSC Jackrabbit badges dating back to the early 2000s, proving that she has been involved with the MCCSSC for most of her life.
It is our honor to have 3 generations of this wonderful family share the love of the outdoors, skiing, snowshoeing, and the MCCSSC. The MCCSSC is extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication of all past, present, and future volunteers and members of our club. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with our club, visit our website at www.marathonskiclub.ca/volunteer for more information!